Transfer conference in Mainz (2019)
ELMaWi transfer conference on the practical implementation of competence orientation in teacher training
On May 3, 2019, at the invitation of the Chair of Business and Economics Education (Dr. Christiane Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, and Hannes Saas), a lively exchange between representatives of universities, state seminars for teaching and schools for the practical implementation of competence orientation in teacher training took place at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. In addition to central findings on the measurement and promotion of subject-specific instruction skills among (prospective) teachers of mathematics and economics from the BMBF-funded ELMaWi project, groundbreaking possibilities were presented and discussed for optimizing teacher training in line with practical needs in the 21st century and preparing prospective teachers for the complex demands of teaching at an early stage.
We thank all participants for their valuable contributions and look forward to further exchange!