Cooperation partners | Consulting experts
Cooperation partners
Within the project, we are cooperating with the following colleagues:
Alicia C. Alonzo
Associate Professor of Department of Teacher Education, Michigan State University, USA
Samuel Greiff
Associate Professor of Educational Assessment, Research Unit Education, Culture, Cognition and Society, Université du Luxembourg, Luxemburg
Richard J. Shavelson
Margaret Jacks Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University, Stanford Graduate School of Education, USA
Lee S. Shulman
Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University, Stanford Graduate School of Education, President Emeritus of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, USA
Consulting experts
The following colleagues support the project by sharing their expertise in the field of teacher competency research. This concerns content-related aspects for validation questions as well as methodological aspects for performance-based assessment (computer- and video-based formats).
Prof. Dr. Jens Möller
Educational Psychology, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Prof. Dr. Knut Neumann
Physics Education, Leibniz Institute for Science and Education (IPN)